Let's make some memories!
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Let's make some memories!
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These FAQs are about Weddings by me - get in touch with questions about other ceremonies and services, or if you can't find an answer to a question about weddings. You should also check out this Info Guide!
I would love to meet you in person before your wedding day if possible but we can do all our planning over video call, email and text if that is easier for you. I do have to meet with you both individually before your ceremony. This can happen on the day at the venue.
That’s ok - I won’t leave and will keep your guests happy with music and chat! If I have another event after yours, I will let you know when I will have to leave.
I usually stand to one side for everything except The Asking (when you say I do – this is optional) and your Legal Vows as for these, I hold the microphone for you to speak into.
Only the legal vows are mandatory. Personal Vows are your choice. If public speaking is not your thing, just tell me what you love about each other and what your promises are so that I can add them to the love story I write for your ceremony.
No way! For your legal vows, you will repeat them after me one line at a time. If you say personal vows, I will print them into a booklet for you to read from. You can read your legal vows and personal vows from a card in one go if you prefer.
You can choose whoever you wish to hold the rings. I will not touch them. I will invite the person to join us and hand you the rings one at a time for you to say your legal vows and exchange rings. Want to have some fun? Hide the rings under the guest seats and have two surprise ring bearers!
Absolutely. My awesome PA system can play your music via Bluetooth either from a guest phone or my iPad if you send me a playlist. I will happily control the music for you if you wish.
Choose an entrance song(s), two songs for signing the certificates and an end of ceremony song (pick something upbeat for good vibes!). You can also make up playlists for before and after the ceremony if you want. Just send me links to Spotify playlists so I can download them.
You decide - you can make an exit by walking back down the aisle together then you can head off alone or with the photographer, wait in another spot for guests to come and say congratulations or you can just stay standing at the front and have guests come up straight away for hugs.
I suggest you have at least 20-30 seats then the rest can stand. Let me know who you would like to sit where. I suggest that your close family sits at the front on the opposite side to where you are standing so that they can see your face throughout the ceremony.
No, not if you don’t want to. I will always use one for 20 guests or more so everyone can hear.
I use an iPad mini for my script as it’s super easy and light to hold and flick through the pages as well as control your music if required. I always take a paper copy back up just in case!
Please send them to me by email no later than one week before your wedding. I will print them into a booklet for you to read from. For an extra fee, I can engrave them onto coloured acrylic panels for you. If you need help writing them, I have a template and will help you get them perfect.
Yes of course - there is a Unity Ritual resource on my website Love Hub (you get access to this after booking) or you can just call/email me and ask about them. My fave is handfasting - I love to help you tie the knot
No way, I love to wait until all your guests have congratulated you then come and give you a hug! I love to get a photo with you - I cherish these memories and love looking back through my wedding photos. I will find the person who you have nominated for me to give your Certificate of Marriage to, discreetly pack away my speaker then leave you to party. Unless you invite me to be your Cocktail Hour Host or MC – then I stick around to party!
For sure, I will include it as part of my welcome before your ceremony begins.
It is optional. If you do wish to include it, I am happy to say it or you can ask a guest to. A Welcome to Country can only be given by an Aboriginal Elder.
Tell me who it is, what they are saying and we will figure out the perfect time.
It depends on what you want to include in your ceremony. It will be around 20-30 minutes.
It is not essential. Not everyone wants one so it is not included in my fee. We will always have a final planning chat in the week of your wedding and I will give you a Tip Sheet with all the info you need. If you have a large Wedding Party and lots of people involved in your ceremony, then a rehearsal with those people may be a good idea. If you want me to attend, there will be an additional fee. I am usually available on weekdays 9am-3pm but sometimes can fit it in around weekend weddings if I am close to your venue already.
Whatever you want me to! Seriously, I send you a link to my wardrobe gallery on my website and you choose if you want to. I want to blend well with all your beautiful styling! Check out my Wardrobe!
Find out more on my Weddings page.
You must complete the Notice of Intended Marriage and lodge it with an Authorised Celebrant no less than one month before the date you wish to get married. There are exceptions which require you to apply for a Shortening of Time. You can discuss this with me if required.
Yes, I am 100% inclusive! In Australia, the law has been changed to allow marriage equality and same sex couples can now get married. Love is love and I am delighted to be able to marry any two people to each other.
You can get married just about anywhere in WA! Back gardens, parks, beaches, restaurants and so many other beautiful venues. Some of these will require permission from the local government, which I will help you to find out about.
To complete your Notice of Intended Marriage, you will need to show me your Birth Certificate and a form of Photo ID like your passport or driver's licence. If you do not have these documents, there are other ways to prove your identity which you can discuss with me. If you have been married before, you will be required to show me evidence that you have received an annulment or divorce or that your previous spouse has passed away.
No! You can only be be married to one person at any one time and you can only have one legal marriage to that person unless you have been divorced and are remarrying. If you have had a legal marriage ceremony overseas, then you will not be able to have a legal marriage ceremony in Australia. You will be able to have a Renewal of Vows or Commitment Ceremony in Australia if you wish. If you are in doubt as to the legality of your overseas marriage, you should discuss it me.
At least one of the people getting married has to be over the age of 18 to get married. If one of the people getting married is under 18, then permission will be required from the person's parents and/or a court to proceed with the marriage. Under no circumstances can two people under the age of 18 get married in Australia.
Just about! There are some legally required words that must be said in order for your marriage to be legal in Australia - I must introduce myself by my full name and say I am an Authorised Marriage Celebrant. I must also say the Monitum (a reminder that marriage is legally binding) and you must each say your Legal Vows:
I call upon/ask the people/persons here present
to witness that I <Name>
take thee/you <Name>
to be my lawful wedded wife/husband/partner
Other than that, you can choose whatever words you wish to be included in your wedding ceremony.
Yes. If you want your marriage to be legal in Australia, you must be married by a Civil Celebrant or Religious Celebrant who is registered with the Attorney-General of Australia. To check that your celebrant is registered, go to https://marriage.ag.gov.au/ - you'll find me on there under Lisa Webb in WA! I am a Civil Celebrant but am happy to include prayers, blessings or rituals in your ceremony that relate to your faith.
Yes. You can get married on any day including Easter, Christmas Day, Anzac Day depending on the availability of your chosen celebrant and venue. I am available for ceremonies on nearly every day of the year so just ask me if I am available for you! If I am not, I shall recommend some other amazing celebrants to you.
Yes. Anyone can perform your ceremony and I am happy to work with your friend or family member in a 'Tag Team Ceremony'! If it is a legal marriage ceremony, then you must have an Authorised Celebrant (me!) to say the Monitum, witness your Legal Vows and sign your certificates. Don't forget that you must have completed a Notice of Intended Marriage at least one month before your marriage ceremony. You can have this witnessed by me, another authorised celebrant or any other authorised person which includes GPs and Police Officers. You must lodge your NOIM with me at least one month before your ceremony.
If I am sick or injured and unable to conduct your ceremony, I will arrange for another celebrant to step in for me. I have trusted people that know how to sort this out at short notice so do not worry!
If one of you is sick or injured and cannot proceed with the ceremony or you wish to reschedule for any reason, simply contact me at the earliest opportunity and we will work together to sort everything out. If your ceremony has to be postponed because of circumstances beyond your control, we will work together to sort it out. See my Client Services Agreement for all the details.
You can find details of my ceremony options and fees on the Weddings page.
No matter which ceremony you choose, your ceremony will be just as special and unique as you want it to be.
When a person gets married in Australia, they can:
a) take their partner’s last name to replace their own last name
b) keep their last name
c) hyphenate their last names
Both Parties to a marriage have the same name change option regardless of their gender.
On your wedding day, you are welcome to start using your new last name, change it on Facebook and other social media platforms, but you won’t have any formal identification yet. I will send you instructions to get your Legal Marriage Certificate and change your name after your wedding.
You can change your surname name to an entirely different last name, but if it is not one of the options detailed above, then you would need to go through a legal name change process via the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) in the state or territory you were born in.
If both of you decide that you want to change to an entirely new last name, it’s easiest for one of you to legally change your surname before the wedding, then after the wedding, the other person can use their Legal Marriage Certificate from the Registry to change their last name.
You can access the Attorney-General’s Code of Practice for Celebrants here:
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